It's October, and Halloween isn't the only scary thing out there
It’s been a month since the Colorado Gold Conference. Since that incredible high of being surrounded by other writers, listening to speakers, attending presentations. If you’re like me, you came home so motivated to get going on your WIP, or start a new book, or revise, or even submit that under-the-bed manuscript that really IS ready to see the light of day.
You’ve just been too frightened to hit send, hiding in a closet with your eyes closed, just waiting for a rejection to jump out and attack your frail psyche.

But just like that manuscript, there are other monsters lurking under the bed. Your fear of rejection. Your impostor syndrome. Your really excellent costume made from excuses of all shapes and sizes (you got that, right?).
And now, you can just about ease into that excuse of...dun, dun, dun...the HOLIDAYS!

That truly monstrous interruption to whatever writing treat you’re involved in (including NaNoWriMo!).
What to do? Well, you can be like me and buy that ginormous bag of Halloween candy (in flavors you like, of course), then, instead of decorating the yard and fretting over a costume, turn off the outside lights, lock the door, put the candy handy, and WRITE. Let Aunt Mabel have Thanksgiving this year—it’s her turn, for cryin’ out loud! And Christmas is a long way away, really. Most of the cooking has to be done at the last minute and you can stay up all night wrapping presents (or not).
Instead of wearing a writer costume, own that title. Write as much as you can, as often as you can, and don’t think about why you can’t. If you don’t want to start a novel, write a short story, or journal, or how about a funny family newsletter for the holidays? Just don’t let that momentum come to a shrieking halt (Okay, I could have used screeching, but…)
Best that dreaded beast called Fearofwriting, and WRITE ON!

Happy Halloween, by the way.
Reposted from Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers blog.